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Self Catering
Short Term Holiday Rental Apartments
Are there pets allowed at your establishment?Unfortunately not, there are no facilities for animals
Can I book in with my baby?There are no children allowed, there is also no cot or place for one.
How many guests can book in each apartment?We allow a maximum of 2 adults per apartment, unfortunately no under 18 bookings allowed.
Are children allowed at the Lucano Apartments?Yes we allow children over the age of 7, if accompanied by an adult
What is the maximum time period one can stay at Lucano?We cater for guests to stay for a maximum of one month.
How do I add a new question & answer?To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Add a new question & answer 3. Assign your FAQ to a category 4. Save and publish. You can always come back and edit your FAQs.
Can I insert an image, video, or GIF in my FAQ?Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Create a new FAQ or edit an existing one 3. From the answer text box click on the video, image or GIF icon 4. Add media from your library and save.
How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title?You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.
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